His Story: God’s Purpose and Plan from Genesis to Revelation

from the messages of Adrian Rogers


SKU: B132

In today’s fast-paced, self-focused world, it’s difficult to find quality biblical teaching, let alone teaching that simplifies profound truth so it can be applied to everyday lives. At Love Worth Finding, we understand that struggle and seek to help Christians grow deeper in their faith through the timeless teachings of pastor, teacher, and author Adrian Rogers. This book contains eight powerful chapters that layout God’s purpose and plan for the redemption of mankind from Genesis to Revelation. His Story starts at Creation and walks you through a simple, yet profound, description of Jesus' life woven through the entire Bible.

  • paperback
  • 110 pages
  • 5.5" x 8.5"

To find His Story as an e-book, click here.

Chinese version - 他的故事